Understand the rich historical context and deep theological content of the
Reformed Confessions of Faith
April 25 - 26, 2025 | Chilliwack, BC
Host church: Free Grace Baptist Church
Venue: Free Reformed Church
2025 Topic: Chapter 2
Of God and of the Holy Trinity
Improve our understanding of the historical context and theological content of the Second London Baptist, Westminster, Savoy, and Belgic Confessions of Faith, which we believe to be an accurate summary statement of the chief doctrines of the Christian religion.
An understanding of the historical context and theological content of the Confession.
Increased understanding of the theology of the Bible for all matters of faith and practice.
Unity and fellowship among the churches of Christ.
Support reformed pastors and elders in an orthodox understanding of our confession
Give an opportunity for church leaders and congregants to access in-person advanced learning and take a deep dive into confessional theologies
Promote unity among our local reformed congregations by fostering collegial relations